Publications for digital cancer staging at Research Gate:

This new innovation has been used for identifying the effectiveness of anti-neoplastic drugs. Such innovation enables to administer the patient-personalized dose and predict its therapeutic outcome as well with accuracy of 100%. It is considered a practical application on the concept of Doubling time-Energy Conversion (DT-EC) in the biological system.

Up till now it has been applied on either of the non cell cycle or cell cycle specific drugs.

Currently a research proposal is warranted to apply this innovation to differentiate between using each drug alone or in combination with other drug or with radiotherapy or hormonal therapy or......

All References at:

Hint: Shortly a new application of this innovation would be added to give a new hope for optimizing AT9283 therapy.

Thank you very much for your interest to feed me back.

Yours sincerely,

Emad Y. Moawad

Conference Paper Pathologic Cancer Staging By Measuring Cell Growth Energy

Article Clinical and pathological staging of the cancer at the nanoscale

Article Reconciliation between the clinical and pathological staging of cancer

Article Pathologic Cancer Staging by Measuring Cell Growth Energy

Article Mass-Energy Conversion in the Decaying System and Doubling T...

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