I wonder if there is some process of laser texturing to improve the extraction of parts in thermoplastics molds? I ask because I found a very specific difficulty in the area and would like to know which way to go. Thank you.
There are several laser techniques to produce hydrophobic, hydrophilic and omniphobic surfaces. Maybe some of these techniques might be applied to your topic.
I completely agree with Mr. Sola and Mr. Riveiro but mechanical and optical properties of final part should be carefully considered... Also durability of such molds are definietely lower.. So maybe just modification of mold surfaces (to lower surface free energy) will be enough for your purposes?
Thank you Mr. Pawlak, Mr. Teklewolde, Mr. Riveiro e Mr. Sola, your responses guide me in a right way, I believe. I'm reading some papers. My problem consists in an extraction cavity that is offering a considerable adherence during the injection process. All injection parameters was optimized, but the results not be good until here. In the next step selected was LST and electrochemical treatment. But I prefer LST, because the product has medical application.
Extraction difficulties have several causes additionally to surface finish.
What kind of geometrie are you dealing with? Position of lifter or extraction pins are very important. You have to "push" not to "pull" on the part etc.
Packing pressure (level and duration) can conduce to demolding under pressure with enormous extraction difficulties.
If you texturizes the surface you have to increase the demolding angle. I agree with Mr Pawlak.
Hello Mr. Naranjo. My problem is located in a rotative extractor. I can't to modify the geometry, and we tested injection parameters, polishing techniques and coatings, but the problem persist, that's the story.