The kit that came to my mind is QIAGEN Plasmid Mini Kit. However, I never used it for what you are going to try. So I suggest that you have to use some controls to ensure that the plasmid isolate is free of chromosomal DNA. My recomendation is to made two separate isolations: i) to isolate chromosomal DNA from the strain ii) to isolate plasmid DNA using the kit. Than you have to detect some chromosomal gene that is in the genome of your bacteria. For chromosomal DNA the result should be positive and for plasmid DNA isolate it should be negative - meaning that plasmid DNA is free of the bacterial genome. then if you will detect in the plasmid DNA your gene of interest it is highly probable that it is located on plasmid.
Actually, i tested around 20 to 30 of invasive strains and an important number of non invasive strains each month. But, we detect the presence of the gene nanC for some of them and the absence for others using PCR.