Of course there are ways of using TISEAN from MATLAB. You can use the executables from MATLAB with calls to the system. For instance, to compute the fraction of false nearest neighbours:
save tisean_in.txt y -ascii % Save data in y vector to a text file
string = sprintf('false_nearest tisean_in.txt -M 1,%u -d %u -f %u -V 0 -o tisean_out.txt', dmax, tau, rf); % Create a string with all the command window content for the program. In this case, MATLAB has to know dmax (max embedding dimension), tau (delay) and rf (ratio factor)
system(string); % Calls to system (the executable TISEAN program)
load -ascii tisean_out.txt % You load the output of TISEAN back to MATLAB
Is any of you still working with TISEAN. I need help. I am able to call the TISEAN commands from MATLAB and obtain output. I need to know how to import the output into MATLAB in a way that it can be graphed. Thanks