A simple method that is often used to follow growth of bacteria in broth is to measure the optical density at 600 nm using a spectrophotometer. This OD600 is due to light scattering (i.e. turbidity) by the bacteria.
I have never tried this with bacteria, but for plant protoplasts, a useful test for membrane integrity is to incubate with fluorescein di-acetate (membrane permeant, low fluorescence). The enzymes inside cells split the acetates, the fluorescent dye accumulates within the cells (membrane impermeant, highly fluorescent). I can imagine that this scheme also works with bacteria, provided your system has suffient sensitivity in all the parameters that are needed/wanted for such an experiment (FSC,SSC, time of flight, fluorescence). Better dyes are available now, the Live/Dead kit for example uses a combination of Propidium Iodine, but this set is more suitable for eukaryotes, never seen an application for prokaryotes, bacteria. Hope this is useful. Kind regards, Harrie Verhoeven.