I have submitted a paper to an Elsevier journal. Since 2 months, the status has been "With editor". Should I wait more time or withdraw my paper? Please expert advice..,
Also please read a paper that I wrote, viz. “Writing for Publication for Students and University Staff”, which provides some more insight into the review process, discusses the review length of time, and suggestions of what authors could do. The paper is freely available on ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342549330_Writing_for_Publication_for_Students_and_University_Staff.
You don't know why the editor takes so long to process your paper. So just ask politely when your paper will go into the review process. Don't wait too long.
If the editor does not answer for a long time (two/three weeks) again, you can ask once again or even withdraw the paper.
My Paper has been with the Editor since May 18, 2021, without any responses. I think, this may be their modus operandi, and/or peculiar to all elsevier Journals. Just hold-on awhile!
I think it may be more to do with that journal itself, rather than the publisher. (I am not advertising for them, by the way. I have published with them and many others.) Other good clues for me also is to see the website for that journal and see how long something is in the "online" category as well so that gives me an idea of how long is the typical waiting time and to look at their articles (best if same type (eg original research, review) and see what is the time from "submitted" to "accepted".
I believe that the delay is from the journal editors not Elsevier. Note that Elsevier is a journal publishing platform/company and not a journal.
Before you contact the journal find out the review timeline of the journal. This is typically on the homepage or at the journal metrics section of the journal. This timeline is meant to 'modulate' the expectations of authors.
However, I personally do not wait for the expiration of the timeline before contacting the editor for the status of my submission, typically I contact them halfway through the review time limit.