After Autodock docking, I tried preset-ligand site for interaction in Protein-ligand.

But I cannot find any interaction.

Is that mean there is no interaction between protein-ligand?

There is log file below for docking

WARNING: The search space volume > 27000 Angstrom^3 (See FAQ)

Output will be DB02192_out.pdbqt

Detected 8 CPUs

Reading input ... done.

Setting up the scoring function ... done.

Analyzing the binding site ... done.

Using random seed: -617173320

Performing search ... done.

Refining results ... done.

mode | affinity | dist from best mode

| (kcal/mol) | rmsd l.b.| rmsd u.b.


1 -4.4 0.000 0.000

2 -3.8 29.437 30.282

3 -3.7 27.939 29.198

4 -3.6 45.368 45.805

5 -3.5 27.753 28.864

6 -3.4 14.464 16.293

7 -3.3 31.134 32.031

8 -3.3 1.472 2.559

9 -3.2 31.325 32.445

Writing output ... done.

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