5 Questions 27 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Serhii Vakal
Dear colleagues, I've got a list of molecules (just names) which I would like to convert into a library for virtual screening. So, I wonder what is the most convenient way to get the structures...
05 May 2018 1,605 23 View
Dear coallegues, I have a protein X without experimentally-solved 3D structure, but with a lot of data on its' secondary structure organization (in other words, I know the conformation (secondary...
25 February 2016 7,253 2 View
I want to study the interaction of the enzyme with its substrate - glycated protein. I know that the enzyme specifically binds the sugar residue of the protein-substrate. I understand, how to...
21 October 2015 2,138 4 View
I have a wild-type enzyme 'Ewt' and few mutant forms of this enzyme ('Emut1-Emutn'), and I want to compare energy of binding (Gb) of a substrate 'S' to these enzymes. I know that binding energy...
05 October 2015 3,058 9 View
Dear colleagues, Currently I'm trying to predict probable IgE-binding regions in one of the allergenic proteins and reveal candidate residues for mutation in order to design a...
09 February 2015 563 1 View