I've used Agisoft Metashape, and the weeding I.e. the removal of trees and the vegetation is coumbersome. So I need another software that will give a better model. I'm working on Pix4D though. Thanks
If you are not satisfied with Agisoft, then I recommend 3Dsurvey for DTM generation; however, this software is not as fast as Agisoft and Pix4D. Although 3Dsurvey cannot reconstruct high-quality DSM and orthomosaic, it has a robust semi-automatic DTM generation algorithm, which is quite handy.
I agree with Sayed Ishaq Deliry ., in addition, you can use the PCI Geomatica or the Ecognition, these software packages have some efficient DEM processing tool.
@Sayed Ishaq Deliry and @Samuel Akande I am grateful for the insights and I'll work on the recommendations. I hope I can get back to you for further assistance? Thanks
Pix4D will give both the DTM & DSM but the DTM will be subjective because the weeding is done through classification. I will recommend you use the point cloud and classify accordingly and this is most practicable.
Following the suggestion of Saheed Olaniyi about using the point cloud, I would recommend the open source solution CloudCompare. You can classify your point cloud and create a DEM using its plugins.