I used the standard method for blank as well as negative control as
Coating the plate with 50ul lysis buffer + 300ul PBS (and +100ul of sample) for 24hrs at 4 degrees.
Blocking the plate with 3%milk for 1 hour as well as tried for 24 hrs at 4 degrees.
Primary antibody ratio 1:30 (used PBS as well as 3%milk), incubate for 1 hour
Secondary antibody(hyp) 1:2000 (PBS as well as 3% milk)
TMB 50 ul for 30 mins at room temperature
2M Sulphuric acid to stop the reaction.
Washing was done using PBST for 7-10 times.
Absorbance was read at 450nm, 550nm and 650nm.
Thank You