From my quick look at PsycInfo, psychotropic drugs do not appear to be recommended for burnout. You might read the article on the Mayo Clinic website, which represents state of the art in the medical world, at
The Psychology Today article also summarizes it very nicely, at
If the client were mine, I'd start with a variety of relaxation techniques in addition to the strategies mentioned in these articles, anything form yoga and related mindfulness techniques to simple systematic relaxation, for which instructions are easily available on the internet.
I can't provide an "official" answer, but I would recommend trying silent mantra meditation first. This effortless and easy to learn procedure has a splendid record of success, and is backed by scientific research.
The two forms I recommend are Transcendental Meditation™ ( and Natural Stress Relief ( Both are taught by (unrelated) nonprofit organizations, both courses are easy to learn and highly effective for stress-based mental health issues. These techniques do not only provide relaxation, but work with the nervous system to eliminate stresses (originally created by overloads of experience) which limit its functioning.
Both also actively welcome independent and objective researchers.
I wouldn't be an expert on the research in this area but in my clinical practice for this issue i use two books one is called the pain of healing, the other is called the joy of burn out. I have also started using a book called mindfulness at work. I would agree that a set of guidelines would be very useful.
Thank you . Anyway, as far as it is a growing body of evidence that biological features are concerned (cortisol, cytokines, Andtidepressants as protecting factor against neuronal deterioration when exposed to chronic stress , microbiote implicatioa,, I am still hwondering whether any guidelines (décisions three that ) concerning the biological / psychopharmaco relatedc agents could exist.
In addition, I definitly agree with the assumption that other technics are of paramount complermentary importance (meditation etc) Holistc approach is key. Best regards