A classical hydroelectric system that can be completely free of environmental and economic concerns and Reliable & Responsible to operate in Oceans and Seas.
It is a huge project. I greatly appreciate your particular guide for the following inquiries:
· Why not building a classical hydroelectric plant in ocean/sea water (salty water)? Is this because:
I. There is no reliable design proposed yet?
II. Or because the exact idea has not yet been taken into account?
III. Reservoir: impossible to build an ocean-based reservoir?
IV. Environmental, Social, and Economical concerns: A possibility of Non-environmental emissions, Harm to sea life?
V. Civil & Mechanical engineering: Construction of the plant in the middle of the Ocean/Sea?
VI. Survivability of the building?
VII. Hydroelectric equipment: Generators, turbines, pumps etc…. Installation and efficiency during operation?
VIII. Salty water: Impact of salty water on Turbines, Pipes, etc….?
IX. Grid connection & Electricity transmission: Transporting electricity to the mainland station?
X. Operation & Maintenance?
XI. Retrofitting process: Costs and its viability?
XII. Licensing & Relicensing Process?
Unendurable of final costs: Unaffordable Project?