The aesthetic experience of digital painting can have a significant impact on visual art students' creative abilities when analyzed through art criticism.
I think that art criticism directs creativity and refines it through a set of aesthetic criteria that it extracts from analyzing and criticizing various digital artworks.
Interesting question. Art criticism is quite a diffuse concept. For example, it can be about searching for the meaning and value of art. Feldman's model is often cited which consists of description, analysis, interpretation and evaluation. Thereby, art criticism is often delineated as an activity that relates to a completed work of art. It need not be so. Making work also requires looking and reflecting on art, or at least a work in progress. Based on your question, I assume that's what you mean.
When teachers talk about art criticism in the classroom, especially in relation to making one's own work, they put most of their emphasis on discussing the performance (description) and analysis (formal aspects). Of course, this can vary a great deal from teacher to teacher.
In short, it is very important to define the terms and indicate the context in which you are asking the question.
My favorite author in this area is Terry Barrett. He has written a lot about art criticism and about art making. Moreover, it reads very pleasantly. Succes! Melvin
"Aesthetic experience" is a vexed notion.1 However, art criticism can enhance students' encounters with art by contributing to their understanding of the art and artist, which may result in appreciation, and which may in turn influence the students' own artistic endeavors.