I have become interested in potentially doing a small study on non-bee pollinators by looking at what pollen are present on their bodies. I am unsure whether or not this would be a useful contribution, since while there appear to be many studies on the role of non-bee pollinators, there doesn't seem to be many studies indicating the state of the literature.

That being said I did find this paper which identifies some gaps in the literature but it is now somewhat out of date and only focuses on flies and not other pollinators.

Article Flies and flowers: Taxonomic diversity of anthophiles and pollinators

I would appreciate any insights into the state of the literature on non-bee pollinators and their contribution(s), as well as any interesting papers etc.

In particular is it known:

  • Which plants each pollinator is responsible for pollinating and in what proportions
  • Whether species labelled as pollinators actually pollinate or simply visit plants?
  • Are there any species in which it is contested whether or not they act as pollinators?
  • Are there any obvious gaps in the literature?

Thanks in advance! I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

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