My compound contain C, H, N, S and i have done C, H, N analysis. Can anyone suggest how to calculate exact composition of C, H, N, S based on the C, H, N analysis data?
It can be obtained with Chemdraw Ultra 7.0 software. Please draw your structure or write down the molecular formula on Chemdraw Ultra 7.0 and the highlight it and click on "View" and then click on to "show analysis window". Adjust 2, 3 or 4 decimals as required, in the table. it will show exact Mass, Mol. wt, m/e and elemental analysis (calculated value).
Please calculate the molecular formula of your compound followed by calculation of mol weight. If suppose C= 24.09 Divide this no by total mol wt of molecule multiplied by 100 n you will get percentage of C.