Following the scientific method, when researchers write a research project, they proposes a hypothesis as a general goal and several specific objectives. These specific objectives are usually proposed as specific experiments that will answer specific questions in a logical order. The sum of all these specific objectives should respond to the general goal and resolve the hypothesis. When the project is proposed, the budget includes everything needed to develop each of the objectives, which is evaluated and approved by a financing entity, as a whole. By the first time, in my short scientific life, a financial entity request me, that the proposal must be written in phases, therefore, each of one of the objectives will be develop as phases, and therefore, the approval will be in multiphase. I.e. the full project and its budget must be divided down into phases (objectives) and then, they will funding phase 1 (Objective 1) and could then funding Phase 2 (objective 2) and could then phase 3 (target 3) and so on.

¿In what area of science and in what kind of projects this methodology of writing and funding is applied? is the better way to write projects in basic and biomedical sciences?

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