21 December 2023 2 10K Report

I have a 4.8 kb vector plasmid and an insert sized 141 bp post restriction digestion (it is 151 bp post ligation and post restriction digestion it is 141 bp).

I have tried this multiple times, and I am having an issue with the ligation of the dephosphorylated vector and the insert.

For context- I use NEB Quick CIP for a 10-minute dephosphorylation and follow the 2 min 80 deg C deactivation step too. I do this only for my vector and not my insert.

I set up 2 ligation reactions- 1 with the dephosphorylated vector with the insert and 1 with the vector without dephosphorylation with the insert as a control- and I got colonies in the control reaction but no colonies in the other one. I used DH5 Alpha bacterial competent cells from NEB for transformation and followed the protocol for the same.

Additional info- I have double-checked both the PCR product and the digested DNA on 1% agarose gels and I use the Gel Purification Qiagen kit for purifying the DNA post running them on gels. So I can safely say there isn't any issue with these.

For the ligation reactions, I use a molar concentration ratio of 1:7 for the vector: insert, calculated from the NEB bio calculator based on the respective sizes and concentrations post digestion.

Please help me figure out how I can get the dephosphorylated digested plasmid and the insert to ligate and get colonies...

My colleague in the meantime suggested me to check for my gene of interest from a few of the colonies from my non-dephosphorylated vector-insert ligated control colonies, and perhaps there maybe some positive ones but most of them maybe the religated vector only since I use a single restriction enzyme for the digestion step...

Please let me know if any other information is required and I would be more than happy to provide the same, thank you so much!

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