You can calculate alpha easily with SPSS, but alpha coefficient is not about validity, it is about reliability. It is known as internal consistency coefficient, a kind of reliability
You can use SPSS, JAMOVI, JASP, must take into account that the cronbach alpha is for reliability for the validity of the questionnaire have to perform the descriptive data of the items, the exploratory factorial analysis.
The AFE allows to generate structures of theoretical models and hypotheses that can be empirically tested (Gorsuch, 1983), without having previous specifications of the model or considering both the number of factors and the relationship between them (Gerbin & Hamilton, 1996).
The technique used by the AFE is to automatically extract the factors with a certain statistical criterion, obtaining the simplest factor structure in terms of its easiest and most significant interpretation (Thurstone, 1931 and 1947).
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (AFC)
The AFC allows to correct or corroborate, if any, the deficiencies of the AFE leading to a greater contrast of the specified hypotheses (Bollen, 1989), in the same way it analyzes the matrix of covariances instead of correlations, which helps establish whether the indicators are equivalent (Batista and Coenders, 1998).
The AFC is represented by flowcharts (path diagram), according to their particular specifications. The rectangles represent the items and ellipses, the common factors. Unidirectional arrows between common factors and items express saturation and bidirectional arrows indicate the correlation between common or unique factors (Jöreskog, 1969).
In conclusion, these models provide the appropriate statistical framework to assess the validity and reliability of each item instead of performing a global analysis (Batista, Coenders and Alonso, 2004), helping the researcher to optimize both the construction of a measuring instrument and The analysis of results.
In the AFC it is necessary to observe the factor loads that allow establishing the correlation between the variables and the factors (Garson, 2012). The closer they get to one, the greater the correlation will be. An empirical rule in the AFC states that the charges must be> = a 0.07. Although it is high and some factors and variables may be left out of the model, these should be taken at the discretion of the researcher, (Raubenheimer, 2004).
Taking the criteria of Garson (2012), Raubenheimer (2004) and Widaman (1993) in which they establish that, in order to eliminate collinearity between variables to the maximum, it is necessary to take the variables whose loads are> = 0.07, especially in the case of a Model proposal, in which case, its construction is based on the existing theory.
As discussed earlier, you can use SPSS, JAMOVI, JASP, to check the reliability of the scale, construct and questionnaire by checking Chronbach's alpha in SPSS, JASP, SmartPLS, Ecel, etc.
You can check the alpha for the data using excel spreadsheet very easily using the following formula;
=(no. of items/no.of item -1)*(1- (sum of var.p/var.p of the total))
You can also used Analysis tool pack built in MS excel, but that requires further computations.
Using Cronbach Alpha is not recommended if your goal is to determine the validity of the questionnaire . Reliability limits validity but does not directly give validity. Although there are psychometrists who use the term internal validity for Cronbach Alpha, there are research results to refute this acceptance. However, if you think your questionnaire is one-dimensional (ie homogeneous), you can use the Cronbach Alpha for the reliability of the questionnaire results. Otherwise you should use other techniques (for example, stratified Alpha), they may not be on the SPPS reliability menu.