Structure of Questionnaire : measure 5 attributes, each with 4-5 factors having 3-5 item statements on Likert scale . Have 757 responses. No missing data.
Planned statistical analysis are :-
Factor analysis
develop a SEM equation for entire set, groups based on dependent variable
compare different group for many dependent variables - ANOVA, T-tests
Prime questions :
1. Can there be outliers for likert-type scales.
- please note, individual box plots show outliers, removing them is not solving problem of Normality)
- The overall data shows outliers (in box plot and also using skewness & kurtosis scores
2. Request to advise if normality needs to be checked
a. item-wise (88 statements),
b. factor-wise (as developed with EFA) - 5 constructs with 4-5 factors each or
c. overall constructs (5 constructs).
. With grouping based on dependant variable, normality is met for a few groups. .
. One very large group (with almost 50% respondents) has high skewness and kurtosis value - statistic /SE is outside the range of +or - 1.96
I am afraid transforming will affect my findings.
Requesting guidance, please