Thanks to everyone in advance for any assistance with this conundrum.

I recently completed the defense of my dissertation proposal and was asked by my committee to shift from an email-based survey to a web-based format. At first, this seemed straight-forward and a good way to collect and manage the data from my responses.

However, upon closer inspection, I am running into a challenge I had not encountered in my original design.

I plan on administering a 5-question survey to all business (and related) faculty in Ohio community colleges to measure the degree of curriculum internationalization in the courses they develop and/or instruct. The first two questions are simply requests for job titles and contact information (textbox entries). Question 3 asks each respondent to list every business-related course that they have taught at the institution in the past 5 years (again, a textbox seems logical here).

Question 4 then asks each respondent a series of four Likert-scale questions based on each course they identified in Question 3. While this seems simple enough (and probably would be easy for someone to complete in a simple Word document--as I had originally planned), I'm struggling to figure out how to incorporate this type of question on any of the major web-based survey websites.

Question 5 is similar to question 4 as it then asks the respondent to identify for how long each course has been utilized/deployed with the degree of internationalized curriculum identified in question 4.

My main question is how do I create a tool on any web-based survey platform that would allow respondents to volunteer course numbers/titles that would later have follow-up questions about each specific course? I've dabbled with Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, and Sogosurvey without much success as I keep running into this issue.

I had posited about using a comprehensive dropdown list of EVERY business-related course offered at EVERY institution to allow self-selection and logical page progression, but that doesn't seem to resolve the issue and just makes the survey look even more convoluted. The same would be said if I created a dropdown list on page 1 for the respondent to choose the specific institution, the list of courses on page 2, etc.

I am probably overthinking this entire process, but I can't seem to think of how to structure this survey using the web-based tools that are out there and wonder if simply asking respondents to just type out a word document with answers to the questions would be simpler and result in just as many responses.

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