I am in the process of developing a research proposal on the impact(s) of business curriculum internationalization on a variety of dependent variables related to performance-based funding (i.e., student course completions, retention rates, completion milestones) for Ohio's community colleges.
Since there are only twenty-three state-supported community colleges in Ohio and can relatively easily obtain the necessary data for every institution, I have determined my sample will be all 23 institutions (which obviously is also the entire population of Ohio community colleges).
I am contemplating using MANCOVA to attempt to isolate the IV (business curriculum internationalization) from several covariables (institutional size/FTE, proximity to four-year institutions, proximity to concentrations of multinational corporations) and then work to determine the degree of impact (positive or negative) on the dependent variables noted.
My question is simply how does the fact that I am examining every institution within the population being studied influence my analysis of the data I collect? Do I still need to write out the standard null hypotheses for each research question, run calculations for confidence intervals, etc? I am having difficulty determining the value of p scores, etc. when there should effectively be no sampling error.
If I am just completely overlooking some aspect of this, I would greatly welcome anyone's input on how to go about organizing this research and methodology section of my proposal.