Dear Fellows,

I have a proteomics dataset with three experimental groups (control, treatment and vehicle). I would really appreciate expert recommendations for the proper statistical analysis of such a dataset.

In my current analysis, I've applied log2 transformation on the data (as recommended), then statistically analysed it with ANOVA with FDR p adjustment and Tukey's multiple comparisons where the ANOVA test was significant.

My questions are the following:

1. How should I calculate log2 FoldChange in my log2 transformed data? - Now, I've calculated it from the raw data, since, log2 transformation is necessary to fulfil the normal distribution criteria of the ANOVA test. Also, log2FC of log2 data would be quite complicated to interpret - Do you Experts agree with this approach? - Any better idea?

2. How to create a volcano plot for this dataset? - I plan to prepare a volcano plot for Vehicle VS Treatment groups. Log2FC can be calculated as described above, however, the log10 p-value is a question as well, since A) I present the ANOVA p-value, however, it may not represents the statistical difference between these two groups, because the difference can be between Control and Vehicle groups (there are a few cases) B) I present the PostHoc p-value, but I have it only for those proteins where the ANOVA was significant. - So what do you recommend?

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