
I am currently attempting to obtain amplifications of SoxC from a species of onychophoran belonging to the Peripatidae family using primers designed from a sequence of its sister family, Peripatopsidae. The sample I am using is cDNA, and I have tried different concentrations of reagents and cycling times in the thermocycler. However, I have not obtained any amplification yet.

I would like to ask how you would start standardizing reagent concentrations and the thermocycler program for a set of primers generated from the sequence of another species for a conserved gene like SoxC (700 bp amplicon).

I have COI as positive, and before using any cDNA for SoxC, COI was amplified.

Due to resource optimization, the primers I use for SoxC had to be initially designed with the sequences of the promoters SP6 and T7.

So these are my primers:



none exceed 50% CG.

Additionally, I am conducting tests with cDNA extracted from different tissues and stages to increase the likelihood of finding my sequence, but I still fail to obtain amplification.

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