Hello researchers, Hello omnet ++ WBAN simulation teams,
I am a beginner with omnet ++, I work on the optimization of RFID systems used in wireless body area networks(WBAN) . I want to start a simple simulation and to design and implement a WBAN network using omnet ++. Can someone guide to start a simple simulation of a WBAN network with this simulator, specially I want to learn how to make a design of a one BAN or more than one BAN for many persons and to have a global idea about implementation and design of a wban network. (Knowing that I used Castalia 3.2 and omnet 4.5 but just for Banest simulation like in the manual of Castalia), know I want to carry out the simulation with design and implementation.
knowing that my goal is to achieve the following two scenarios:
1) monitoring the movement of a patient in a hospital or the movement of a person in any place
2) monitoring the vital signs of the patient or of a person in any location
Can you help me with useful information (omnet ++ version, framework : (which framework must be used INET, Mixim ?) I didn’n find tutorials in internet, I found just some videos on youtube and some websites with payments. I decide to contact some researchers because I didn’t found nothing.
what do you recommend dear researchers?