I am trying to create ligand topology and parameter files using SwissParam webserver. I followed all the steps to create the .mol2 file available in SwissParam page: https://www.swissparam.ch/SwissParam_mol2_file.html.
But this error keeps on coming:
Unfortunately, topology and parameters were not successfully generated for LIG.mol2. A failure report can be found below. Failure report: Possible problem with molecular topology in LIG.mol2. SwissParam will try to reconstruct the topology from coordinates only. Topology and parameters were NOT generated. Please check the validity of your molecule. - Are all hydrogens present in the mol2 file? - Is the mol2 file correct? Please, read "How to obtain a correct mol2 file?" in the www.swissparam.ch website.
For reference, I am providing my ligand.mol2 file and lig_fix.mol2 which I have created for performing protein-ligand simulation using Gromacs and CHarmm27 forcefield.
Please help me solve this query.
Thank you for consideration.
Alvea Tasneem