Hello all,
Thanks a lot for taking out time to read and respond to the question.
So, I have designed a behavioral usage survey with a question that captures technology use (independant variable). In the pilot phase, likert scale options had the following values:
Never, A few times a year, Once a month, A few times a month, Once a week, A few times a week, Every day
However, to capture more specific responses, I converted the likert scale to the following.
The mistake I made was that I had also translated the survey (eventually decided to go with only English survey), but I forgot to turn it off initially.
The bad news is that I have significant answers (45%) that in the old scale (i.e. never, a few times a year) and the rest in the new scale.
Good news is that it is an issue only with this independent variable as this is the only question I changed after pilot study. SO, that rest of the translated questions map accurately to the old survey.
My question : Is there anyways I can save the 45% of the data for this particular independent variable question? If so, what is the best method? And how can I talk about this in the paper?