Hello everybody, I'm trying to solve a system of differential equations that describes the behavior of a mechanical system. I have used non-inertial reference frames so I have additional terms such as the Coriolis force.
An example of equation can be
j*ddx1+ct*dx1+kt*x1+g*dx2=0 with g=2*omega*m
M=[j 0
0 m];
C=[ct 0
0 c];
K=[kt 0
0 k];
G=[0 g
0 0];
with X=[x1 x2]'
Now if I want to extract the eigen-frequencies of a linear system such M*ddx+C*dx+K*x=0 I have to calculate the impedance matrix
extract the eigenvectors Avet, calculating the modal mass and stiffness matrixes excluding the damping C*dx.
and finally I can get the system response.
But if I have coupled terms such as the Coriolis term, how can I get the eigenfrequencies? If I just calculate the eigenvalues of A=M^-1*K I neglect some terms (G).
Thank you in advance.