Hello Dear Users.

Does the default SWAT representation of orchards show their planting, growth and harvesting?

Current Management Operations:

Year OP_NUM Operation Crop Heat Units

1 1 Plant/begin. growing season ORCD 0.150000005960464

1 2  Auto fertilization initialization (zero) 0.00999999977648258

1 3 Harvest and kill operation (zero) 1.20000004768372

In orchards I would like to include fruit trees (e.g. cherry, apple tree, cherry, plum).

If they are perennial plants (trees grow for several years), shouldn't I have some other operations? For example:

Harvest only operation

Kill/end of growing season

We collect fruit and the trees are left for next year.

Can the same be done for raspberries or blueberries?

I would be very grateful for your help.

Best regards


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