I have an Aluminum alloy, which consist of Magnesium As the major component and other metals in traces ..I want to separate the Magnesium so I could know its quantity in the alloy.. any suggestions?
There are several methods to investigate the quantity of an alloying element in a metallic alloy without separating them from the other ones. To do this, you can use XRF, Optical Emission Spectrometry and many other ways.
But if you really need to separate the Magnesium from the Aluminum, you can find etchants which dissolves Aluminum without reacting with Magnesium but it might be both inaccurate and costly. You can search for such solutions in the google scholar and I'm sure you can find some.
Definitely. Otherwise it would be vaporized by the heat of the melt. I think boiling phenol could be an option for separating the particles from aluminum matrix, but please be cautious while using it (and search more for the exact solution for your case).
Still I believe the best way for your case is to do an XRD or other usual ways that the rest of the people suggested instead of this method since they are cheaper and more accurate and reliable.
How big are the samples? If sampling is a problem, think about PXRF. https://www.thermofisher.com/document-connect/document-connect.html?url=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.thermofisher.com%2FTFS-Assets%2FCAD%2FApplication-Notes%2Faluminum-app-note.pdf&title=QXBwbGljYXRpb24gTm90ZTogRGVsaXZlcmluZyBWYWx1ZSB0byB0aGUgQWx1bWludW0gSW5kdXN0cnk=
If you apply nitrogen (gas) purging in molten aluminium alloy containing magnesium (at 700 - 750 C), Mg will be removed by vaporization. You can collect samples from melt after treatment at different time duration. Use standard chemical tests for Mg analysis to establish time for Mg removal.