I am trying to remove a stop codon at the end of my sequence by site directed mutagenesis. I have designed complementary primers which don't include the codon using the Agilent Technologies Quikchange primer design webpage. They have 15 nucleotides at each side of the mutation. I have used the Quikchange kit many times before for single point mutations and never had a problem but now I don't have the kit, and we are using Phusion or Pfu Turbo.

My reaction mix for Pfu is as follows:

5ul Pfu buffer

1ul dNTPs

3ul (10uM) F primer and 3ul R primer

1ul template (around 200ng)

1ul Pfu turbo

water up to 50ul

I have tried twice with this enzyme, once with the annealing temperature at 55 and another time at 60.

I think the DpnI digest is working fine as I have no colonies at all after transformation of DH5a so I suppose the template is not really there any more. I also know the competent cells are okay as I have done simultaneous transformations with other plasmids and they work perfectly fine.

Any ideas of what could be going wrong or what I could do?

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