15 February 2021 2 9K Report

i am purifying cycle sequencing PCR reaction. i have tried multiple methods given in BDT manual (provided with the instrument) .everytime i used 96 well reaction plate for this purpose. 7 wells are used to purify sample while 8th well contain control . i have never seen pellet during this purification process. when i run this purified reaction on genetic analyzer i got results in just 3 wells, control results were fine quality, 2 wells were giving just primer sequence, other 2 wells didn't gave any results not even primer sequence. everytime i get this kind of results. i tried to manipulate the protocol by increasing the value of g ( for centrifugation) e.g from 1870g to 2780g. but all in vain.how can i overcome this problem? do anyone have any method which can give 100 % results. either this problem is related with my purification protocol or some other reason?

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