You have a couple of option to publish a completed thesis.
You could simply self-publish it. For example, you can upload the PDF of your thesis right here on ResearchGate or use another online self-publishing service (e.g. GRIN). For instance, I uploaded my M.Sc. to RG once it was completed and evaluated.
You can also further work on your thesis and edit it down so to be suitable to publication in a journal. A typical thesis will have 15000 words or so, whereas a journal article is often somewhere in the 6000-8000 word range. Submitting to a journal means having to undergo an often strenuous review and feedback process, and can often take a lot of time. Having said that, the review process can be a good learning opportunity and publishing in a journal is always a boon to your academic credibility. If you are looking for journals in your field, you can consult this journal list here:
@Louis Moustakas, your write-up was very helpful. I want to publish it on a reputable (Criminology) journal but one which I will not have to pay so much money.
About the "GRIN" publishing company, does it really pay the author royalties for her/his work? Can the published work be considered as a true academic material and cited by other people?
If your guide sign this your thesis paper and your guider approval. You can easily send your paper in journal. Please search internal thesis publication journals and send
You have two ways first from your thesis a group of results and make suitable paper for publishing you can get 2papers from your thesis or you can published your thesis as a book at any site for thesis publisher
A journal will not publish everything included on a project work. If you conclude that the outcome of your project work is fit for publishing in the journal you desire, then suitably modify your project work according to instructions given in that journal