I have a system which I have measured In the zero field cooled and field cooled cooled arrangements. The system is an activated carbon with metal nanoparticles dispersed in/on the material. The two measurements bifurcate at low temperatures, suggesting spin-glass or superparamagnetism. The field cool cooled measurements suggest Curie-Weiss-like behaviour and I would like to determine the Curie Constant and Weiss Temperature. However, my system is likely to have a to have temperature independent contributions which if unaccounted for will make the fitting values meaningless.

My questions are:

1) how can I account determine a value for the temperature independent contributions to accurately fit the reciprocal magnetic susceptibility to determine the Curie Constant and Weiss Temperature?

2) Is the Curie-Weiss equation valid for a spin-glass/superparamagnetic system?

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