Good afternoon,
I would like to meassure the distance of some grooves in a metal surface, which were created due to a laser cutting process. The laser cutting direction was horizontally. The image was obtained through a digital microscope (image width: 2.695 mm).
In order to perform this task, I wanted to use the open-source software gywddion, so that I am able to use a 2D-Fast-Fourier-Transformation of the image. After conducting this operation I used the measure distance feature, in order to obtain the peaks with the highest frequency. Finally I fitted the function in ordter to optain the reciprocal value of the groove distance.
My main problem though is, that I only obtained one significant peak from this whole process. For the groove distance I would need to obtain two peak for a proper groove distance measurement.
Therefore I would like to ask, if I made a mistake during the image processing?