I'm studying the monetary transmission mechanism, using 4 variables(inflation, interest rate, exchange rate and gnp), through impulse response functions
When using Akaike, Hannah-Quinn and Schwarz information criteria, they suggest the use of 3,3 and 1 lag(s). But these models(and the model with 4 lags, a competitive one according to the IC) all did not pass on autocorrelation, heterokedasticity and normality tests(even though the last one is widely reported as 'commom' in this context).
When using larger lag lenghts(9 through 12), the autocorrelation problem disappears, even though non-normality and heterokedasticity remains.
Should I use the information criteria suggestion and work through the model with 3 lags, for example, correcting him, or should I use the model with more variables with 1 less problem? I have a large sample(277 with 12 regressors), so size should not be a problem.