Hello, I have not normally distributed data and wonder if I should use and report the standard Maximum Likelihood Model Fit Indices such as CFI, TLI etc. or if I cannot use them due to non-normality. I'm also unsure if I went correctly in the SEM procedure regarding non-normality.

This is the order I proceeded:

Model: UTAUT2, n=120, Software: AMOS 23, SPSS 23

1. Exploration

1.1 Eye-Inspection of data in SPSS for outliers (straight-liners)

1.2 KMO & Bartletts test -> both suggest data fitness for FA

2. CFA:

2.1 Construct reliability and validity -> good after modification

2.2 Model Fit Indices (based on MLE) -> acceptable

2.3 normality test -> items are not normally distributed

2.4 Bollen-Stine Bootstrap -> p not significant, which means model should NOT be rejected

2.5 Bootstrap -> Bias-corrected percentile Method -> all items load significantly

3. Structural Model:

3.1 Bollen-Stine -> p not significant -> model is not rejected

3.2 Model Fit Indices (based on MLE) -> acceptable

3.3 Bootstrap -> Make assumptions

I'd be very thankful for any help and recommendations.

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