I am trying to do an opt+freq calculation with DFT using b3lyp/6-311g(2d,p) in order to calculate the HOMO/LUMO energies on the molecule shown below; a napthalene diimide (NDI) and two CH2-CH2-NH3 groups attached to the imide positions (first image). My issue is whenever I run the calculation, the R-NH3 deprotonates (second image), and the resultant MO energies are certainly incorrect. I want the R-NH3 to remain connected during the calculation. If I go to the redundant coordinate editor and create a build coordinate for the bonds between the nitrogen and 3 hydrogens with a set bond distance (third image), it still deprotonates. If instead I try to freeze the bond distances (fourth image), the bonds disappear (fifth image) and the MO energies are again well outside the range of what would be expected. Is there a better way to go about this?

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