Hello All, 

While my preferred method of depositing Ti is e-beam, I am without this equipment right now and want to make Ti films. I have been running a 2" target DC sputtering system at varied cathode powers and varied partial pressures and the resulting film is always discolored (gold, blue, purple) indicating oxygen content. The cleanest films seem to come from low sputtering power, 100W max, base pressure of 1 x 10^-6 torr, working pressure of 5 x 10^-2 torr. I might add, this is the lowest WP at which I can get a plasma to arc in my chamber for this set-up. I'm using UHP nitrogen from airgas as the sputtering fluid, which should give 99.999% purity. Source to substrate distance has been varied from as little as 1 inch to as much as 5 inches, always with the same result. I'm pretty stumped on this one!

Also, I find it a bit odd, but the area around sputtering target, I guess you could call it the anode ring of the sputtering head, has been getting coated in what I can best explain as "carbon black" looking dust. I have no idea on what the origin would be, or if this is usual for sputtering. 

A few thoughts:

1.I could try research plus grade, giving 99.9999% purity, the different is 1ppm for UHP and 0.5ppm for research plus. 

2. My mass flow controller might be leaking? Although I've never seen this happen before. I get a nice blue plasma from the argon, not purple like I've seen in air sputtering. 

3. I should switch from flex tubing to hardline running from my tank to my mass flow controller? The gas sellers have tried to tell me that there will be "diffusion" through the plastic flex tubing. 

4. I'm getting residual moisture in the flex tubing causing issues? 

I should add, the end goal of this project is to grow TiN thin films through reactive DC sputtering, which we tried first with a partial pressure of UHP N2 with no luck- same film colors. 

Thanks in advance! 


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