Dear All,
How to practically find Unretained Component and the Unretained Time?
Shall we inject a sample which will not be retained by the column to determine what time an unretained sample will be eluted off the column? If the answer is yes for this point, how can we select such a compound? Are there general common compounds to do this job?
Shall we add a compounds to our mixture which we absolutely know that it does not retain in our mobile phase system, then find out its peaks, which is supposed to be the first one, then take the time of this peak as an Unretained time (t0)?
just pick up the first peak (which is usually appears within the front of the mobile phase) and take it as an Unretained time (t0)? In the appended picture, can we consider the first peak (labeled with red arrow) as the Unretained Time (Void volume)?
Finally, just pick up the t0 values that provided in the literature (depending on the column's dimensions)?
Please, I need a very clear example which explains this fundamental to me.
Best regards