05 August 2021 3 10K Report

To preface this, I have looked on stack overflow but this topic hasn't been addressed as far as I could find.

I am trying to use the Pymatgen vasp modules to plot the element_spd projected dos of Ga2O3, but I can't figure out how to plot the Spd-projected dos for both elements with labels for each element and orbital. Here is my code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pymatgen.io.vasp import Vasprun

from pymatgen.electronic_structure.plotter import DosPlotter

# import data and parse complete density of states from vasprun.xml

data = Vasprun('vasprun.xml')

cdos = data.complete_dos

# parse element-spd dos for each element

ga_spd_dos = cdos.get_element_spd_dos('Ga')

o_spd_dos = cdos.get_element_spd_dos('O')

# create plot, add dos and show plot

plotter = DosPlotter()




I get a plot, but the legend only shows spd (those letters, not the proper parsed dos), when what I want is the Ga-s Ga-p Ga-d O-s O-p states all parsed and plotted. I have made sure to include LORBIT = 11 so these orbitals are projected in the vasprun.xml file (I can plot this in a home-brewed script, but I'd like to use pymatgen to create a bit more general script for plotting both the total and element_spd projected density of states without needing separate scripts to parse the dos and then plot the data). Any suggestions or help are greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

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