I deposit graphene films on glass/quartz substrates of the size 2cm (20 millimeters) by spray method. Spray is fixed and at a distance of around 13 cm from substrate.

Graphene is dispersed in ethanol or CHCL3 before deposition and substrate is placed on hot plate at 100 to 125°C before and during deposition.

The films of graphene that I get are of several 100s on nm thick with variotions but there are some peaks which could be as high as 1 to 2 micrometers.

1. I want to control the roughness: say a film of 300 nm with accptable roughness of 20 nm.

Is there another method of deposition which could be suitable in my case? sputtering, cvd, epitaxy are not in option. Some cheaper method is sought! Spin-coating was tried also but it was not good either due to roughness or other factors i might not know!


2. Is there any method to polish the surface of film to improve the surface and remove big mountains above few hundreds of nm. I mean a nano-polisher? physical contact/non-contact method?

3. Can I coat the graphene film with some other material like a thin film of PEDOT:PSS, (to protect the graphene film) say 40 nm thick and do poilshing over PEDOT:PSS to remove the rough mountains? Iam not sure for this as PEDOT:PSS is good with water and graphene is well-dispersed in ethanol!

I am looking for the suggestions on any step/solvent/deposition method in my process.

Thanks in advance!

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