29 August 2017 4 4K Report


I have made a Bradford reagent and i want to know if my standard curve of my reagent is correct.

I have made an standard curve with this concentration of BSA (with the final volume of 0.5ml for each standard solution) respectively: 0.125, 0.250, 0.500, 0.750 and 1 mg/ml but the absorbtion of these standards in 595 nm are 0.178, 0.258, 0.459, 0.640 and 0.842 respectively. 

After i used my reagent in order to find out my protein concentration the results made me confuse.

The protein A595nm are mentiond as follow:

Cell Lysate: 0.421 with 4 fold dilution of cell lysate.

Supernatant (Clear Cell Lysate): 0.390 with 4 fold of dilution of Supernatant.

Solublized Inclusion Body:0.174 with 4 fold of dilution of I.B solution.

According to the standard curve of my reagent the amount of protein in each solution(each solution has volume of 30ml) are as below:

Cell Lysate: 1.81 mg/ml * 30ml=54.3 mg

Supernatant: 1.65 mg/ml * 30= 49.53 mg

I.B solution: 0.516 mg/ml * 30 =15.504 mg.

But there is no balance in the amount of proteins i mean 54.3 is not equal with 49.53+15.504.

what is the problem? is that because of my reagent standard curve? did i make the correct standard curve or solution of BSA?

should i solve BSA in buffer? because i have solved BSA in Water.

Thanks for your valuable suggestions.

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