As a young researcher, you want to get your work published but have limited knowledge of good places to do so. There are journals from IEEE, ACM, springer which are the best places to publish to... but other than these where can one publish initial results and studies? There are so many journals out there... which even give there impact factor... but I don't know whether to trust them or wait and improve my work and go for big names in publishing?
sure. check out SCImago Journal & Country Ranking (SJR). It provides a comprehensive list of journals including very detailed statistics for every journal. They also provide a similar ranking as used for the commercial IF ranking by Thomson Reuters
This is a difficult yet importan question. For myself, I still struggle sometimes to find THE best journal to publish in. Aside from the impact factor, you could check journals from experienced colleagues you trust. Or if you have a favorite researcher look at his or her journals.
There are also lists that mark publishers which seem not to be trustworthy. These lists are somehow biased to a certain point. However, they may give you a hint. Beall's Lost of Predatory Open-Access Publishers is such a list. You can find the URL attached.
In addition you may seek for a journal that fits your research. Then search for that journal in google scholar or microsoft academic search. Check if there are a lot of highly cited articles to that journal, so you can estimate its visibility.
hi thanks for the answer and the links..... Beall's list specifically lists Open Access publishers. There are many which are not open access but are not worth like one publisher LAP (Lambart academic publishing). LAP publishes thesis in form of books, i got an email from them recently to publish my thesis in form of a book but I was doubtful and searched on net and got lots of information which proved LAP to be just a profit making publisher with no quality in its contents... they publish without any review of the manuscript only for earning money by selling books... these books do not add any value to your career .... good i looked for it over internet which saved me from getting into their trap...
Do you have information about anyone providing lists for non open access books/journals etc.?
sure. check out SCImago Journal & Country Ranking (SJR). It provides a comprehensive list of journals including very detailed statistics for every journal. They also provide a similar ranking as used for the commercial IF ranking by Thomson Reuters
Yes, impact fator is one basis but not one and that much important . I think its too good to see whether you research fits in to that journal or not. Now we have many journals I suggest you to go through the journals and see perfect for your research ...
I would consider a number of factors - open access (for me it is more important than impact factor), quality and relevance of articles (meaning not necessarily established and known researchers as much as articles which make sense), policy of admission (make sure they accept articles written by young researchers and graduates), whether they would stay or disappear - look at their source of funding, it would be good if they are supported by a science fund. Some databases: Journal Seek for both OA and subscription based:; and for OA journals: Open Science Directory (for developing countries):; Open Access. net (in German and English):; Global Open Access Portal:
Keep in mind that you also have to follow the guidelines in place at your specific university. There are universities that ask from their researchers to aim for the top 25 in impact factor in their respective fields. That really limits the number of possibilities. Open Access really also depends on the funding policy of your research since most open access journals are paid by the authors instead of the publisher. Therefore, page fees are to be paid after acceptation of your manuscript.
Depends on a variety things. 1- part of your original question was "but other than these where can one publish initial results and studies?"... if you are looking to publish initial results, then a conference might be better place. If your work is not cooked enough, it might get rejected from organisations you named anyways... 2- there are some conferences that have acceptance ratio (a.r.) ~10%. Compared to a ~30% acceptance ratio of a journal, it might be more reputable (although quality of work of some papers in a ~10% a.r. conference might be questionable itself, so my point is don't get hung up on numbers too much; if the quality of the work is well, it will get appreciated) 3-ThompsonReuters citation indexes gives good idea of journals (however also note that some journals asks authors to cite papers from the journal itself to increase the citation indexes)... 4- I guess another thing is to ask colleagues in the *specific field* you want to submit. What are the reputable journals in that specific field? In addition to the above you listed, Elsevier, might have good journals. Cheers and good luck!
Hi all, thanks for your replies.. very useful to me. I think its better to make my work mature enough to publish in good place rather than going for quick publication in not so good places. I will keep in mind your suggestions and will go through the links provided. I am from computer science branch and yes Elsevier has good journals.... Can anyone provide some respectable publisher names where young researchers can publish (of course detailed analysis of the work) apart from IEEE, ACM etc where it may not be very easy for them?
Actually, I prefer to check the Journal first whether is it "ISI indexed" or not?
Because ISI journals are really trusted by researchers.
You can use this link to check up:
There are n number of factors to judge the impact/quality of journal for an appropriate publication of the work there in. The principal one is just to line up the match the frequency of your work and accordingly communicate your manuscript. Now-a-days, I hear from young scholars for craziness about impact factors of the journals rather than caring for upgrading the quality of the research work. In my opinion, the priority of choosing the journal should be in accordance to 'Profile of the Study' rather than 'Impact Factor' at 'Preliminary Stage'. Sooner or later, up gradation of the publication in journals of International repute would automatically be on the track.
You must consider what is required by your university. Usually they require journals with a high impact factor. for example, at my university, they do not accept paid journals. For them are low quality journals that accept any job.
Obviously in general, in Good journals acceptance probability is very less for publication . but as you said that u r looking for journal that has worth publishing it and also their acceptance rate is quite high if your paper contains some of the genuine work. Being a computer science you can start your publication with ACM SIGSOFT, WSEAS , ISTE , Inderscience etc.
When ISI Thomson is not available for you, you can use a nice service offered by the Univ. of Washington:
Search for your journal's eigenvalue/article influence score (you have the same information on ISI journal ranking). Check the "percentile" value of your journal. If EF or AI are around 40%, or higher, the journal is good enough :)
Unfortunately, there could be good journals not covered by rankings.
Alternatives, some of them already specified here, include:
* ERA 2012 Journal List (
first of all you see the where is publication get published and indexed and from when they publishing the research paper after this the most important factor is that you should discuss with your Mentor(guide/super.) because he/she has more knowledge about this.
In addition to my previous inclusion for discussion in this reference I would also recommend to visit the site: and opt for a good journal exactly matching to the nature of work accomplished. At initial stage a young researcher can attempt for communication of the manuscript. As far as merit of the work is concerned, it may be upgraded only after incorporation of suggestions provided from the end of reviewer.
The strategy I recommend with my own colleagues and students is simple: Submit to the conferences and journals that you cite most often.
In my opinion, a young researcher with limited knowledge should at least try to publish in any impact factory journals and gradually should increase IF of the journals
If you want to publish initial results and studies, try workshops and symposiums first. Then send the improved version of your work to a journal. To this end, I can suggest you to submit to workshops or symposiums whose selected papers are invited a journal special issue.
You can use IndexCopernicus to compare, search journals:
The best journals are always from good societies and good publishers. So one can always prefer IEEE, ACM, Springer, Elsevier, etc. The journals which are indexed by Science Citation Index is the most trusted one. Beginners can even go for conference proceedings indexed in scopus.
Basically I agree with all of you. Nevertheless there are some associations that are not in the official rank but that provide a good service to the scientific communities. What about those?
I am well convince with the statements from Nalam and Raghunadhan, and expecting such interesting ones in future as well.
This is imprtant in which area you are working. Ofcourse the impact factor says the qualty of the journal. But some new journals from good gpublishing houses dont have impact factor. is a good place to search for good journals.
Really the SJR is the best place to understand the quality of journals with the help of statistical data like cites per doc, h-index and citable documents etc.
Apart from the discussed publishing houses, I would like to add some more reputed publishers like Haindawi, Inderscience, De-Gruyters, Acta Press, Oxford University journals, Cambridge university journals etc.
This link can help you very much.
Nowadays, there is a huge number of fake journals; therefore, the one should be very careful at this point. The journals which are indexed by (Science Citation Index ) is the most reliable one.
There was an initiative taken by researchers to setup a sort of peer-review of the journals and their review process, it is called Sci-Rev
I think this is a nice initiative, but until now not enough reviews are present in their database to be useful.
Depending on the necessity to publish, the Journal inventories are wide and many
For the sake of publishing
The list of Journal publishers and publishing conferences are many which claim reputable indices of no use either to the researcher (after getting published) or to the reader researchers who cite such paid Journals / Conferences etc., The paper published so will lie there still.
Deepika, after the process of scanning through the journals eventually it has to get green light from your supervisors. I would advice you to check with them first before spending your time browsing through search engines.
i think that it is related to the journal impact factor and isi journal
Please check with science citation index in thomson reuter for reputed journal.
Deepika, I would like to add one suggestion that has not already been presented. Many researchers have provided you with great advice thus far, but I would encourage you to follow the advice that you have received thus far and also examine your reference list and consider publishing your manuscript in journals that keep popping up in your reference list. There are two reasons for this. First, all researchers want to make a meaningful contribution to the literature and journals that already publish similar research are more likely to be a "good match" and consider your article for publication. Second, journals that publish similar content likely have a strong readership with interest in your type of work.
All else being equal, it would be better to publish your work in a slightly lower "quality" journal that is read and cited more broadly by researchers in your field than it would be to publish your work in a slightly higher "quality" journal where it may not be as readily located by your intended audience.
I hope that this helps.
This link and the discussion therein will be helpful.
First confirm registration to Thompsons Reuters, IBBS, ISI and ranking, then, match the scope of journal with paper, see impact factor, and 5 year impact factor, total issue No. per years
First confirm registration to Thompsons Reuters, IBBS, ISI and ranking, then, match the scope of journal with paper, see impact factor, and 5 year impact factor, total issue No. per years
For Ph.D candiates who need Journal papers to clear the requirement for graduation, ask your supervisor for the de factor standard (required by professor or institute) Journals.
For Ph.D holders or independent researchers, try SCI (or SCI-e) Journals in your field; high impact factor for your high confidence manuscripts/results.
Dear Deepika,
Recently, I did a little research on Computer Science Journals List, Review Speed, Impact Factors, and Open Access Fee from Elsevier, Springer, and Hindawi. Please find them at the attached links.
Then we can check whether a journal is indexed by SCI by check the following link:
Today, I also updated the Elsevier list with a new column: Acceptance Rate, based on Elsevier Journal Finder results. In my view, there is a correlation between the Impact Factors and Acceptance Rate. As writers, we generally want a good Impact Factors Journal with higher Acceptance Rate. Thus, I make a new column, i.e., Acceptance Rate times Average Impact Factors. Hope this would be helpful.
Dear Friends,
I have just finished my little research on IEEE Transactions and Journals Impact Factors, Review Speed, and Open Access fee. I hope this would help anyone that preparing to submit a journal article to IEEE.
Can someone check the worth of journal named "advanced Science letters" ?
The basic idea of how to evaluate the research journal can be drawn from the following link
I know an ISI/Thomson Reutars indexed journal with fast response, it is ADVANCES IN ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY
It is scopus
Publication within a short period after acceptance, the average time between submission and final decision is 30 days and the average time between acceptance and final publication is 32 days.
See this web:
Best Wishes
Anyone has idea about Thomas Reuters Journals in Business and Management with a quick response
The key papers of your particular manuscript is a good indicator. In general, you should publish your article in journals that published articles that you are willing to cite. It does not make sense to publish in journals that you rarely read much less cite. Additionally, it is also a good indicator of whether your article matched the aim and scope of the target journal.
Some good reputed journals shows IF of less than 1 while some common never known journals shows IF of 2 to 4 range . How to be trusted by younger publishers who need quick publication to increase career assessment?
Take note that there are some "suspicious" journals also indexed in ISI & Scopus
As suggested by Tomas, you can search the journals in SCImago Journal & Country Ranking (SJR). There you can see the ranking of journals in many fields of science which you can rank the journals based on different parameters. The website also use a complicated formula to calculate the SJR and make few categories for the journals. If the journal belong to Q1 for sure it is a good journal in that field and so on.
As things are evolving speedily with technology, knowledge circulation is fast. However, relevant journal depends on the likeness of related researchers based on the respective fields, including the peer evaluated ones.. ...
Dear Deepika D M:
All beginners needs for encouregement specialy for his first paper. However to publish your paper you have to check many points:
1. IF the work really si interested to be published in higher potentiel journal
2. I f it is case study or theorie with pushes results
for these two points your supervisor seems enable to you answer for these questions
Know to choose the best journal:
springer , elsevier, underscience..and then some can help you to have a good idea about the journals in your research field. So because there is a lot of journals in each research field you can use your references to choose the journal.
As a device: don't choose high ranking journal as commencement just to push your confident in your self
Good luck
Bear in mind that NOT all journals listed/indexed under ISI WoS or SCOPUS are excellent/good ones!!
Seldom an ISI-WoS-IF1.0+ will provide you a quick acceptance response (
Give me your paper & will help you locate the best journals for you
Dear Deepika D ;
you can publish your research papers in one of the well known publishers such as IEEE, Elsivier, Springer, IET, wiley, Francis and taylor, etc.
To get a suitable journal you can use the journal finder option.
In the first, you should read 7 steps to publishing in a scientific journal
Here are free tools to select a perfect journal for publishing your paper
I think SJR Scopus is a best site to looking for a journal to publish your paper.
For computer science field, a researcher could check the quality of a journal / conference by checking the CORE ranking established the Australian academy.
Can anybody help me to publish a research cause when I checkED Elsevier most of their journals time is between 8- 20 weeks and I am looking for a good ranked journal in Scopus
Please try
Also try:
frontiers of architectural JOURNAL does not have impact factor neither quartil
You must see the journal Volume and Issues, there is no different between SCI and Non-SCI, Its all depends on how long the journal is publishing articles .
For the younger generation, it is very disappointing phase. UGC issued a notification regarding the publication of articles for recruitment as well as for promotions. A list of journals rendomly chosen includes many low standard bogous journals. Now there is no question of selecting SCI or non SCI journals. If you want a job or promotion you are forced to publish the paper from the UGC list. In my opinion the future of research in India is dark and the policy makers are responsible for that.
may I know what's the criteria for journals being listed by UGC list?
may I know what's the criteria for journals being listed by UGC list?
If editorial board are professors in the field of journal and the journal is free charges publication. lt will be a good journal
Go with the journals which are SCIE indexed or at least Scopus indexed. As mentioned earlier, UGC might not have listed only genuine journals. A few on journals mention themselves to be indexed in Scopus or SCIE or Pubmed but actually, they are not enlisted. They publish articles despite rigorously peer-reviewed at certain cost as the publication fee. Be updated with the current status of the journal, indexation and genuine journal impact factor which can be checked from Thomson Reuter reference. There are many predatory journals and publishers who have developed business of publication and young researcher like us become their targets. They do not make only waste of our time and money but also ruin our academic image.
1. For Computer Science, we can check DBLP indexed list of journals at
2. Scopus and WoS indexed journals, can be found at
3. The journals suggested by research supervisor
4. The journals where the popular scientists in the field publish
First go to website www.scismago where you get an option to enter journal titles or ISSN no and then you will get the corresponding journal is in scopous or not, If so then again visit the journal website and please go through Authors guidelines and cheque wheater it is paid or free then contact by registering and uploading article.