26 February 2018 3 1K Report

Dear everyone,

Imagine I have an instrument called ET Belief Scale. There are 10 statements that indicate the respondent believes in Extra-Terrestrial life, and 10 indicating the opposite (reverse coded): 1 = very unlikely and 5 = very likely. I have collected data from a pretty large sample of participants. Then, both EFA and CFA showed that all 10 anti-ET items formed a separate dimension and all 10 pro-ET items formed another. This is actually what one of my teammates found, though the information about the instrument is hypothetical.

I did do some literature search and there's a similar published example, where control and autonomy granting each formed a dimension:

Article Parental Psychological Control and Autonomy Granting: Distin...

The authors offered the following interpretation: "Barber and colleagues (e.g., Barber et al., 2002; Barber et al., 2005) have called for a re-examination of the association between psychological control and autonomy granting, arguing that important distinctions between these constructs may be lost if they are combined into a single scale. Conceptualizing these constructs as opposite ends of a continuum assumes that parents who are high on one of the dimensions must be low on the other (Silk et al., 2003). "

Yet this could not be of sufficient help for my question, because (as I suppose) while it makes some sense to separate control and autonomy as two continua, it seems the only way to conceptualize belief and disbelief about something as opposite ends of a continuum. How should I interprete such results?

Thanks in advance.


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