12 December 2019 3 6K Report

Hi all,

I just received results from a 91(Electrode-Combinations) x 2(Groups) x 2(Condition) mixed model ANOVA design, where Condition is the the within-subject factor or more precisely the repeated measures factor. My dependent variable is EEG-coherence.

I receive the result, that there is no significant within-subject effect (no main effect and no interaction). However, there is a significant between-subject interaction effect between Electrode Combination and Group.

My interpretation is: Condition does not effect EEG-coherence.

My question is, how I should interpret the between subject effect in SPSS, because I do not know to which of the 2 conditions it relates to. Or do I have to do one two-way ANOVA for each condition, to find out about the between subject effect?

Cheers, André

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