I have a multiphysics problem, where I have a coupled, PDEs, and and one of them needs the viscosity to be updated. The updating formula uses both the concentration of a substance (from the transport equation), and the velocity (this comes from the other equation. The problem is, the velocity needs the viscosity as well, hence the recursivity. Of course, one can set initial values, but then, I would like to do something similar as in the imperative languages (Fortran, C), where you can set

set initial viscosity

FOR time =1 to N, step deltat

solve flow equation (with a given viscosity for the fluid)

solve transport equation

update viscosity with formula

viscosity(t+1)= viscosity (t) + concentration/velocity

NEXT time step

Can it be done without resorting to MATLAB? if so, how?

I tried on MATLAB, but I couldn't figure out how to call the model, it kept telling me that it could not be found. I do not know if it was that I didn't set a proper path, or was it the loop or something more subtle about the way this recursive functionality must be set up.

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