Hi all,

Is there anyone possessing the experience of coding DFT scripts (by solving Kohn-Sham equation)? Recently I try to code one for a hydrogen atom array which is periodic in space (one hydrogen atom per unit cell).

The question is that how to handle the non-localized operator, i.e. Hartree potential (electron-electron interact) and external potential (nuclei-electron interact). Taken Hartree potential as an example, the operator is defined as:


Obviously, if we integrate over the infinite space, the integral is not expected to convergence in most cases since n(x') is periodic. Therefore, a suitable selection of range might be important. The same question also arises in external potential. How to design the range get involved?

Or, alternatively, in some studies the researchers solved another equation, which is the derivation of the first one:


However, it seems that the equation is applied to an finite space with wave functions on boundaries equaling to zero (Dirichlet boundary condition). I don't know whether it is still valid in periodic system.

How you treat this operator in your case?

Thank you very much!

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