I am optimizing a small organic molecule in a triplet second excited state using TD-DFT in ORCA 5.0. It is giving error termination in SCF gradient. How to get rid of it? Check the error below. Please provide solution.
ORCA finished by error termination in SCF gradient
Calling Command: mpirun -np 16 -machinefile molecule_b3lyp_6311plusgdp_trip_r4_tdopt.nodes /home/app/orca_5_0/orca_scfgrad_mpi molecule_b3lyp_6311plusgdp_trip_r4_tdopt.scfgrad.inp molecule_b3lyp_6311plusgdp_trip_r4_tdopt
Check for SCF gradient-logfiles
[file orca_main/maingopt.cpp, line 1235]: ORCA finished with an error in the gradient calculation