
I am trying to calculate the sumatriptan molecule, but it has been counting for five days and it does not stop. It seems to me that it is too long and I am doing something wrong. Please tell me what could be the problem?


# avogadro generated ORCA input file

# Basic Mode


! BP RI OPT FREQ def2-TZVP def2/J MORead

%moinp "sum.gbw"

* xyz 0 1

N -1.99683 -0.61751 0.56068

C -3.38421 -1.05078 0.53663

S -1.46076 0.59672 -0.38865

O -0.60439 1.41760 0.41204

H -4.06231 -0.32173 0.98125

H -3.45379 -1.98810 1.08542

H -3.70087 -1.22880 -0.48731

H -1.53765 -0.61339 1.45140

C -0.46185 -0.19150 -1.64040

C 0.72017 -0.96656 -1.11643

C 0.68937 -2.35779 -1.09780

C 1.77154 -3.09770 -0.62587

C 2.88728 -2.42792 -0.16698

C 2.92766 -1.02970 -0.17915

C 1.85318 -0.29474 -0.65060

H -0.18968 -2.87637 -1.45847

H 1.87232 0.78581 -0.64740

H 1.72750 -4.17956 -0.62422

C 4.23502 -0.58695 0.36624

C 4.93830 -1.67431 0.69163

C 4.18600 -2.94746 0.39508

H 5.93031 -1.67976 1.11862

H 4.03032 -3.54919 1.29574

H 4.71826 -3.58102 -0.32107

H -1.14698 -0.81816 -2.20688

H -0.16123 0.63830 -2.28024

O -2.58377 1.16383 -1.07227

C 4.56722 0.87357 0.52634

C 6.00389 1.26215 0.89652

H 3.89398 1.26473 1.29479

H 4.30255 1.40727 -0.38913

N 6.84232 1.59565 -0.23722

C 8.04565 2.28579 0.15422

C 7.10642 0.51320 -1.15266

H 7.66638 0.88911 -2.00983

H 6.17908 0.08687 -1.52887

H 7.69254 -0.30320 -0.70096

H 8.59085 2.61615 -0.73072

H 8.72882 1.66328 0.75482

H 7.79999 3.17177 0.74083

H 6.46026 0.48850 1.53323

H 5.94667 2.15757 1.51494


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