
I have an experimental tensile curve. This is the engineering stress strain curve right?

I have then converted it to a true plastic strain curve using Abaqus material conversion. Using these values, I have run a tensile simulation.

However, the results that I have obtained seem to replicate more of the true stress strain curve and not the experimental curve.

The load is displacement based where it is pulled by 32 mm which reflects accordingly to the experiment.

I have plotted misses stress vs LE11.(logarithmic strain along x direction ).

The peak stress in the experiment is 50 MPa while the peak stress for the true stress strain is 70 MPa.

I have attached my results below.

From the simulation, I am getting 70 MPa also which is not representative of the experiment.

Is this how its supposed to be or am I skipping something?

Thanks in advance for your help!!

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